Ash Mews, London (UK)

“The arrival to home begins at the external corridor of the modern East End Mews.”


Residential Architecture & Urban Living in East London

In the ever-evolving landscape of East London, voids within the urban environment present not just constraints but, more importantly, opportunities. The proposed residential development, Ash Mews, stands as a testament to the philosophy that quality design and infrastructure can enhance and celebrate these gaps and restrictive spaces. Here, equal weightage is given to the quality of individual dwellings and the overall urban context, resulting in a harmonious fusion of modern living and urban aesthetics.


The ambitious scheme required collaboration and land assembly, bringing together multiple landowners to create a unified backland mews seamlessly connected to the existing road. Situated amidst various structures and open spaces, surrounded by Victorian terraced houses, the intention was clear – to redefine ‘East End Mews’ and craft a boutique destination for urban family living. From bespoke street finishes to lamppost system design, every detail was meticulously curated. The units were designed with the purpose of framing views of the street from interior spaces, fostering generous layouts in bedrooms and living areas. Detailed studies on daylight and overlooking ensured neighbouring spaces were respected and not compromised.

Ash Mews integrates bespoke elements such as corten steel street lights and expressive street planters to create an engaging and dynamic new mews street. The design of each of the mews houses follows the new masterplan of the street.


Comprising 7 houses, 5 with 3 bedrooms and 2 with 2 bedrooms,  each dwelling maximises layout and volume while offering private terraces and courtyards with carefully framed views. The design prioritised maintaining privacy and celebrating the architecture, considering views both from within the houses and into them from the mews. To ensure a harmonious blend with the surroundings, family homes were strategically developed from basement level to the first floor, featuring generous ceiling heights and amenity spaces. The result is a thoughtful and cohesive development that enriches the urban fabric while maintaining a high standard of living, contributing significantly to the evolution of East London’s architectural narrative.

The combination of 3 separate land owners , Mews Mews was able to be conceived with a cohesive and collaborative approach to the mews design and arrangement.


  • Architectural Design Team: Remi C.T Studio
  • Location: Maryland, London (UK)